1 Berry Street, Aberdeen AB25 1HF

Together we can help people with asthma breathe easy.

Together we can help people with asthma breathe easy.


A message of thanks to our sponsors and supporters

As we look forward with hope to what the future holds, we want to take a moment to reflect on the past twelve months and what it has meant for Asthma and Allergy Foundation.

2020 tested and tried us all in ways we could not have imagined. And while most of the world was experiencing a global pandemic, our sponsors and supporters looked beyond their own needs and focused on helping people with asthma who were faced with a two-edged sword, covid being a respiratory disease and asthma being a respiratory condition.

When it came to adapting our services to provide practical support to people with asthma who were in desperate need, there was no wavering from you, only action. Through your generosity, many lives were touched, and hope restored in humanity.

To our interim Chief Executive, George Adam, we understand that leading during a pandemic is one of the hardest things a leader will ever face, yet you took the reins during the hight of the pandemic and provided leadership, direction and working with staff to raise vital funds to support people with asthma in challenging times.

To our trustees, staff, and volunteers, you understood that the advances we have made in helping people with asthma manage their symptoms and keep their asthma well controlled these past 11 years could be lost if they were exposed to covid that could make their asthma worse. So, you helped shopped for basic essentials, packaged, and delivered to hundreds of people with asthma who were shielding so that they would no longer have to leave the safety of their homes to go into shops. Dami Jaiyesimi, our Health Promotion Manager and her team provided practical support on the phone, via emails and social media to thousands of people with asthma and provided reassurance.

In reflecting on what we have accomplished together this past year, our hearts are full of gratitude. Because you understood the challenges people with asthma face and chose generosity in the midst of everything you have personally faced this past difficult year, we are thankful, knowing that this work will continue strong this 2021 and beyond, providing opportunity for thousands of men, women, and children with asthma across Scotland to continue to receive practical support that would enable them live healthier and active lives -just like everyone else.

Martina Chukwuma-Ezike BSc, MBA

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