1 Berry Street, Aberdeen AB25 1HF

Together we can help people with asthma breathe easy.

Together we can help people with asthma breathe easy.


CEO officially installed as Rector of the University of Aberdeen

Martina Chukwuma-Ezike was officially installed as The Lord Rector of the University of Aberdeen in time-honoured tradition on Friday, 25 March.

Martina Chukwuma-Ezike was installed as Rector in a ceremony at King’s College Chapel, before being carried through Old Aberdeen atop student mascot Angus the Bull.  

The day began with a colourful academic procession representing civic, student and academic life in Aberdeen. University staff and students, along with representatives from the City and Aberdeenshire Councils, Incorporated Trades, alumni, and guests attended the ceremony in King’s College Chapel which included a performance from the University’s Chapel Choir.

After the ceremony Martina was carried by students along the High Street atop Angus the Bull, a decades-old tradition marking the installation of a new Rector. 

She then took to the stage at  Elphinstone Lawn to address students attending the University’s ‘Live on the Lawn’ event, which is being held to celebrate the University’s diverse student population.

Martina was voted in by students following an election in November and began her three-year tenure on 1 January and follows in the footsteps of other notable University of Aberdeen Rectors, including Winston Churchill.

Martina said: “As a graduate of the University it is an honour to represent its students, and I look forward to working with AUSA and the student community to deliver on all the key issues raised in my manifesto, including mental health support, student safety and welfare, and employability skills.

Professor George Boyne, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University, said: “As a graduate, Martina has a long association with the University and with our students, many of whom have benefited from mentoring, volunteering, and work placement opportunities through her leadership of the Asthma and Allergy Foundation. “I am delighted that she has returned to the University as Rector, and on behalf of the academic community I am pleased to welcome her to this important role.”

Martina is a committed leader with a passion for making a difference in the lives of others and we are confident she would do great in her role as The Lord Rector of the University of Aberdeen.

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