1 Berry Street, Aberdeen AB25 1HF

Together we can help people with asthma breathe easy.

Together we can help people with asthma breathe easy.



Offering Philanthropists, CSR, Trusts, and Foundations the opportunity to directly support over 13,000 people with asthma, their families, and carers across Scotland to live healthy, active and full lives, stop asthma attacks, and ensure no one dies needlessly from asthma.

By partnering with Asthma and Allergy Foundation, you have the opportunity to directly impact on the quality of life of children and young people with asthma by helping them learn to manage their symptoms, improve health and academic excellence; And also equip teachers and other school staff with the necessary skills to support school children with asthma.

You would be providing targeted support to people with asthma, their families, and carers through asthma management sessions that have proven to be instrumental in helping to prevent hospital admissions.

Through the delivery of asthma workshops for over 50s, you would be supporting elderly people with asthma and help them live well, grow old and flourish.

George Adam | Why Support The Asthma & Allergy Foundation?

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