1 Berry Street, Aberdeen AB25 1HF

Together we can help people with asthma breathe easy.

Together we can help people with asthma breathe easy.


Be Asthma Aware

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation is proud to announce the launch of our ‘Be Asthma Aware’ campaign.

Using the insight that 90 per cent of asthma deaths are preventable, the charity will launch advertising billboards across Scotland.

113 people died from asthma attacks in 2020


Every 10 seconds someone in the UK is having an asthma attack

Every 20 minutes a child is admitted to hospital with life-threatening asthma attack.

Whether someone having an asthma attack lives or dies depends on the person standing next to them at the time and their ability to administer life-saving treatment.

That is why we have set a target of training 20,000 people – teachers (pupils/class mates), work colleagues, healthcare professionals and others by the end of 2023.

Anyone wishing to book one of our emergency response workshop can do so by phoning the charity on 01224 973001 or visiting our website www.asthmaandallergy.org.uk

The first phase of our advertising campaign was launched in Aberdeen this week.

The girl in the poster asks ‘Could You Save My Life?’. Wouldn’t it be incredible if all of us could become asthma advocates and answer ‘yes’ to that question?

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation, Scotland’s only dedicated asthma charity, is offering everyone the opportunity to potentially save a life.


We are seeking sponsorships to deliver life-saving workshops to support school children with asthma. It costs around £300 to deliver a school session. A donation of £1,200 would enable us to deliver 4 sessions reaching potentially around 443 children, teachers, and parents.

All sponsorship enquiries should be directed to Ewan at 01224 973001 or email info@asthmaandallergy.org.uk

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